Writer, Photographer, Cook
25 04 2016

  I first spied Valeria Necchio through an insta-friend of an insta-friend (I can say that legitimately in 2016 now can't I ?!) and her work (and her name - my mother is also a 'Valeria') immediately caught my eye. Pure, raw, emotional and vibrant - her food and lifestyle photography is instantly encapsulating, and her recipes - wholesome, seasonal and immensely comforting. You can always find her procuring the... [ Read More ]

Food Writer, Photographer and Author
21 02 2016

  Emiko Davies, is half Japanese, half Australian but has spent 2/3 of her life living in other countries. From growing up in Beijing to studying on Rhode Island, she eventually found herself in Florence and never looked back. She currently lives in Tuscany with her Italian husband and three year old daughter, and is surrounded daily by the delights of authentic Florentine cuisine. A talented cook, food writer and... [ Read More ]

Cook, Author, Presenter
26 01 2016

Belinda Jeffery is my cooking hero and has become a beautiful mentor, despite the fact we have yet to meet in person (we shall soon!). Her warmth, authenticity and generosity of spirit is palpable even through the screens of social media, and you can't help but want to reach out and give her a big, great hug. I know I do!     She's the author of too many award-winning... [ Read More ]

The Wholesome Cook
08 10 2015

She is the cookbook author, recipe developer, blogger, stylist, photographer and brains behind The Wholesome Cook blog - she is none other than Martyna Angell (or simply 'Marty' to many!). Phew! I need to take a breath.   Yep. She's most certainly one very talented and creative lady to whom I'm lucky enough to call a 'real-life' foodie friend...AND she's also just released her debut cookbook, 'The Wholesome Cook'. Kicking... [ Read More ]

Food Blogger and Author
21 09 2015

Who is Miss Sarah Coates?! Well, she is none other than the Founder of the ridiculously awesome food blog 'The Sugar Hit'...the queen of all cakes cray-cray... and the ultimate wizard of butter, sugar and bright technicolour! It may sound like I'm describing a unicorn, but yep, Miss Sarah is THAT cool...a rare (and blooming young!) talent - who knows a thing (or a million!) or two about whipping up... [ Read More ]

RAW Chocolate Maker
14 08 2015

Here at TAS we LOVE chocolate...and we also LOVE people that make chocolate, thus it is a no brainer that we introduce you to Casey Pringle, creator and chief chocolate maker at RAW Chocolate. Casey makes small batch raw chocolate out in Victoria's Macedon Ranges. Her beautifully packaged chocolate bars are crafted from the highest quality cacao and free from refined sugars and additives - flavoured simply with pure essential... [ Read More ]

Resilient optimist
24 07 2015

When I first met Lara, in person, I was overcome by her sincere warmth and positivity. She's a go-getter with wandering feet and an impeccable eye for detail. We hit it off over almond milk hot chocolate and stories of the English countryside, the rest as they say is history. Do yourself a favour and check our Lara's incredible photography over on her Instagram @lovewalkeatsee after you read her beautiful... [ Read More ]