alimental (adj.) providing nourishment

sage (adj. and/or noun) profoundly wise

‘The Alimental Sage’ is itself the possession of the intuitive wisdom needed to nourish oneself in health and life. Or at the very least, the knowledge of how to ‘do you’, even if you don’t have the level of privilege that is often needed to execute ‘living one’s best life’.

It encompasses a way of living based on celebration of the ‘little moments’, the simple pleasures…random acts of kindness, the human connections…the ugly crying…the ‘me too moments’…the formation of community.



novice cooks, experienced hands; those who love to cook or live to eat; the creatives, travellers; the dreamers and the do-ers. In a nutshell anyone and everyone.

Whether you are in Australia or abroad; vegetarian or omnivorous; I hope that you find something delectable and inspiring within these pages, and begin to create your own food stories.

Yes, more than just a collection of recipes, the TAS blog will give a voice to these stories. The stories that underlie our food histories and rituals, the dishes we love and the ingredients we cherish.

2019 Update: This ain’t going to be that much of a food blog for that much longer as YES, I still eat (and enjoy food) and YES, nutrition is my job…BUT I am so damn tired of ONLY talking about that. There are so many fabulous humans talking about these topics online (some of them dear friends) and I don’t have much of a desire to continue adding to that space. So here’s to more conversations about real life – the good bits, the shit bits AND everything in between. From mental health to money, dating and relationships to the highs and lows of living as a twenty something and life living abroad in London. Nothing is off limits and I now want to make this a space to have some honest chats and air the words and fears that keep a lot of us suffocated…and yeah the occasional whinge and YOLO moment too. It ain’t all bad living in 2019.

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Well, I’m Camilla, a self-taught cook (the messiest there is! Though granted I don’t quite cook as much as I’d like to these days!)… and a (I like to think) decent human who spends a lot of time during the week working with people who are poorly in hospital. Yep, I’m a qualified Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian (the kind that often eats cake for breakfast…damn good cake too!) and I ain’t into fad diets of any kind. I am currently based in London, UK. Though previously, Melbourne, Australia,

renowned for it’s coffee and food. Yep, I still am a coffee addict (hey ho to the guys at Stir Coffee London who now keep me ohhh sooo caffeinated AND to the original crew at St Rose Cafe in Melbourne, where my taste for coffee originally ‘blossomed’ (such a wanky word!). And, yes I am still a little bit of a food snob and spend most of my income on it… but much less fussy these days, as hey, it’s a privilege to eat what I want to/feel like, after all.